Mar 20 2008

Charles Darwin and Evolution

Published by at 5:56 pm under Galapagos,South America

I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this topic. Lots of people are familiar with Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution. But I don’t think I can write about the Galapagos Islands without at least touching on this topic, because it was one of the places that sparked Darwin’s mind to come up with his groundbreaking theory (he visited the Islands for 5 weeks during his journey on The Beagle). To read more about his journey, click here.

One of the most important reasons why plants and animals evolved differently in the Galapagos Islands than they did in other places is because of the isolation of the Islands. In an earlier post, I talked about the volcanic “hot spot” that created these islands – that means that the islands were never connected to the mainland. In addition, they’re 600 miles away from the mainland, so some of the species that live in the Galapagos arrived by chance. For example, the Land Iguanas here probably arrived via a vegetation raft. Scientists believe just a small population of Land Iguanas arrived here (maybe even just one male and one female). Therefore, the resulting offspring retained the features of that small population (versus coming from a more varied, larger population), and years of isolation created a separate species from the original mainland iguana that arrived here. Scientists think that all the Marine and Land Iguanas that arrived here had a common ancestor, though of course now there are multiple species.

There are different species of the same genus of animals even within the Galapagos Islands depending on the island – different tortoises, different finches, different boobies, etc. Don’t know what a booby is? There are three main types of this sea bird found in the Galapagos. Blue-Footed, Nazca, and Red-Footed. The Red-Footed Booby even has both brown and white variations. Here are some pictures:

Blue-Footed Booby

Blue-Footed Booby

Nazca Booby

Nazca Booby (My Favorite Booby)

Red-Footed Booby 1

Red-Footed Booby 2
Most Red-Footed Boobies have Brown Feathers (above), But a Few Have White Feathers (below)

Okay, that’s enough on evolution for today. In order to give equal time to a competing theory, please feel free to click here for information on the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

One response so far

One Response to “Charles Darwin and Evolution”

  1. Helen Burns says:

    I have never done this before – wonder if it will work.

    My favorite booby was the blue-footed!
