Oct 25 2008

View from our Window #9

Published by at 10:56 pm under California,Western U.S.

Here is the view from our tent in Death Valley NP, where we’re staying for 3 nights:


We’re in a little NP "Village" called Stovepipe Wells, which is at sea level.  The campground looks like a parking lot for RVs except for the row of tent spots up against a sandy area with creosote bushes that eventually lead out to some sand dunes, which is quite nice. 

FYI, our Death Valley guide book says that the best place to find (or avoid, depending on your point of view) Mojave Rattlesnakes and sidewinders is in areas of scrubby growth, like creosote bushes (the sidewinders especially like the bushes near sand dunes).  Haven’t seen any…yet.  😉

– Meredith

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