May 29 2008

The Veneto with le Sorelle Belle

Published by at 1:47 pm under Italy,Veneto

After Lago di Como, we went to the Veneto to stay with two sisters we met while traveling in the Caribbean last year.  We kept in touch with them via email, and when we told them we were coming to Italy, they generously offered to have us stay with them.

Silvia and Valeria live in Bassano del Grappa, a beautiful town in the Veneto.  We had a great time with them – they practiced speaking English with us (like many Italians, their English is very good), and we practiced a little Italian with them.  We talked about the differences and similarities between our two countries, and enjoyed the local food – especially white asparagus, which is in season right now.

There is a lot to see in the Veneto (Padua, Verona, Vicenza and small towns like Bassano), but because of my “condition”, we mostly spent time talking, seeing just a few sights in Bassano, Asolo and the surrounding area.  Dave and I enjoyed this part of the trip very much, and we hope Silvia and Valeria will come to Boston soon so we can show them some of our favorite places and everyone back home can meet them.  🙂

Here is a picture of the four of us at a cafe around the corner from their place:

Breakfast at a neighborhood cafe

– Meredith

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