Archive for May 7th, 2008

May 07 2008

Why does everyone here speak English?

Published by under Florence,Italy

It’s kind of bumming me out.  I would like to practice the little Italian I’ve learned and also try to learn more by actually speaking it.  But almost every time I say “Buongiorno!” or “Due bigletti, per favore,” (two tickets, please), the person I’m speaking to recognizes that I’m English-speaking and starts speaking to me […]

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May 07 2008

Getting caught up

Published by under Florence,Italy

It hasn’t been difficult finding Internet access here, but Wi-Fi has been a little tougher to come by, so we’ve been somewhat challenged to post pictures to the blog. So, to get you somewhat caught up, here is a list of things we did in Florence: Accademia (Michelangelo’s David) Duomo (Santa Maria del Fiore – […]

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