Mar 06 2008
Yeah, Well What About These Pictures?
Dave is an incredibly talented photographer. But how about some of these shots that *I* took:
Dave Doing What He Does
Guanaco Doing What It Does
Taking It All In
A Fox Who Thought I Had Food
5 responses so far
I love the fox pic! and you know there always has to be someone taking photos of the photographer, for posterities sake. 😉
My whole school is enjoying your travels. Everyone is TOTALLY jealous (I think the Bailey’s on the glacier really got to the staff!). ! Our 2/3 classes are especially interested, as they are doing an integrated (social studies/science/ELA) on South America right now. Of course, we have to censor a few things (like whale balls and such), but what a perfect way to give them some authentic info and sites! Thank you!! Can’t wait to hear about/see the Galapagos adventure!
I think the fox thought you WERE food…
As a Fox myself, I can attest that Meredith often does have food, so my vulpine brethren was looking in the right place!! AWESOME pictures – and while I love many that Dave has taken, I am a big fan of the guanaco ;)!
Dave told me he takes all the pictures. Even the ones of himself. 🙂